Wage and Hour

Washington, D.C. Wage Laws

Workers in Washington, D.C. enjoy a wide range of employment protections and benefits, such as those concerning workplace discrimination and unpaid wages. For many employees, these protections go unnoticed, as the employer will treat its workers fairly, even if there isn’t a law requiring that it do so. But on occasion, an employer will mistreat

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Maryland Wage Laws

When workers in Maryland provide services for an employer, they should receive compensation for their labor. This seems obvious, but it doesn’t always happen. Luckily, Maryland workers have a variety of state remedies to rely on to obtain the compensation they are entitled to in addition to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA).

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Virginia Wage Laws

When a Virginia worker provides labor services to an employer, the worker should receive full compensation for his or her efforts. In the majority of circumstances, this occurs. But in certain situations, an employer won’t pay its workers what they’re entitled to, either as required by law or pursuant to an employment contract. If Virginia

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virginia federal employment lawyer

Straight-Time and Overtime Wage Enforcement for Workers on Federal Projects

When it comes to wages, we all know that with certain jobs (typically those that pay by the hour), working overtime means getting higher pay. In most cases it’s time-and-a-half, or 50% more money for each hour worked. There may be several laws that require this additional compensation, but the primary law is the Fair

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