Disability Rights

7 Mistakes to Avoid in the Reasonable Accommodation Process

The reasonable accommodation process refers to the steps an employer takes to identify and implement accommodations that will enable a worker with a disability to accomplish their job duties. The process involves a collaborative effort between the employer and the employee, where the employer engages with the employee to determine what accommodations are necessary. Any […]

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black woman wearing mask and gloves

Can My Employer Make Me Wear a Mask at Work?

Lately, there’s been a lot of talk about President Biden’s new vaccine requirements for federal workers and many private employers. Given the effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines, it’s understandable that mandating their use is a logical next step in fighting the coronavirus pandemic. But given the difficulty many employers face in getting their employees vaccinated, it’s

Can My Employer Make Me Wear a Mask at Work? Read More »

graphic render of people social distancing in a line

ADA Protections and Long-Haul COVID: What You Should Know

The coronavirus has been around for a while and it seems like it’ll be around for a little while longer. Luckily, we have some effective vaccines. This means more people can survive a coronavirus infection and reduce the risk of it spreading. But the more people that survive the coronavirus, the more likely we’ll have

ADA Protections and Long-Haul COVID: What You Should Know Read More »

DOL Proposes New Antidiscrimination Rules Under the WIOA

On July 22, 2014, President Obama signed into law the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The WIOA is intended to help educate and train individuals and match up qualified and skilled workers with employers. To achieve these goals, the WIOA modified and superseded several other federal programs. Despite the WIOA updating existing laws and

DOL Proposes New Antidiscrimination Rules Under the WIOA Read More »

Two Key Protections When You Lose Your Job or Wages Following Artificial Hip Failure

This is a guest post by Clay Hodges, a trial lawyer who specializes in products liability and personal injury law with the firm of Harris Sarratt & Hodges LLP in Raleigh, NC. He writes about failed medical devices and harmful drugs here. My clients have had to endure physical and emotional trauma when their artificial hip surgery fails.

Two Key Protections When You Lose Your Job or Wages Following Artificial Hip Failure Read More »

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