Tom Spiggle

Tom founded Spiggle Law to help individuals facing difficult workplace issues. Although Spiggle Law represents employees in many different matters, Tom has a soft spot for those who suffer from discrimination. As a former prosecutor with significant experience in high-level criminal cases, Tom is also uniquely qualified to represent individuals subject to workplace investigations and criminal prosecutions.

man in suit being handed a folded check

Compensation Clawback Policies: How They Can Affect Your Discrimination Claim

Compensation clawback policies started to gain traction in the early 2000s following the fallout of a series of accounting scandals. Remember hearing about Enron and WorldCom? Thanks to the financial misconduct of executives at those and many other companies, Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX). One of the provisions in SOX was the

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Find a Job

Find a Job Find a Job Losing a job is stressful especially when you’ve been working for the same company for several years. Suddenly you’ve found yourself thrust into the role of a job seeker, and you aren’t sure where you should begin. If you have recently lost a job, or you’re facing the possibility

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