Surviving Workplace Investigations

Is cooperating with an employer the right choice during a criminal investigation?

Can I Be Fired If I Don’t Cooperate With My Employer’s Criminal Investigation?

If your employer is investigating possible criminal wrongdoing by you or others and asks you to answer some questions or provide information, what should you do? You need to act in your own best interests (after talking to legal counsel), because if you don’t cooperate, you could be fired. As bad as this situation is,

Can I Be Fired If I Don’t Cooperate With My Employer’s Criminal Investigation? Read More »

The Society for Human Resources Management: 7 Myths About National Origin Discrimination

January 26, 2017 Common National Origin Discimination Myths Myth: Conducting an investigation when allegations of a hostile work environment are made will insulate the company from liability. Fact: Claims still may be brought despite investigations, noted Tom Spiggle, founder of The Spiggle Law Firm in Arlington, Va., Nashville, Tenn., and Washington, D.C., though investigations may as a

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Reporting Workplace Discrimination: Why It’s Important

Things are not going well for you at work. Almost every day, you face various forms of unprofessional and harassing conduct from your co-workers. Based on the comments you have heard and the differences in treatment between you and other employees, you think you might be the victim of discrimination based on your age, sex,

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Can I Record Conversations at Work?

Employers are known to watch their employees, especially in industries where employers fear worker theft. Your employer may use security cameras, track your company-issued smartphone, or monitor your e-mails, Internet searches, or use of company computers. Surveillance by employers can be all encompassing, but surveillance by workers is something most employers want to avoid. However, employees

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