In the News

How the Motherhood Penalty Hurts Everyone

April 27, 2016 America has a complicated relationship with motherhood. Our country constantly talks about how important moms are, but at the same time it rarely follows it up with actual help. In fact, we tend to penalize mothers in the workplace. And now there’s evidence that the so-called “motherhood penalty” can even hurt women […]

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The Huffington Post: North Carolina’s New Anti-LGBT Law is Senseless — And Sinister

April 1, 2016 It’s easy to ridicule North Carolina’s new anti-LGBT law, but it’s actually very disturbing. The idea that Tar Heel politicians felt such an urgent need to start policing bathrooms that they held an emergency session inspires mockery, not fear. But the law, passed with little review late last month, has a sinister

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