Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 solidifies the liberties of all Americans, regardless of race, religion, gender, or creed. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act is dedicated to issues regarding employment discrimination.

If you are being treated unfairly at work based on your physical or ideological characteristics, you may have a Title VII claim. An experienced workplace discrimination attorney from the Spiggle Law Firm could advocate for you in a case centered around disparate treatment on the job.

History of the Civil Rights Act

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was first promised by President John F. Kennedy during a speech on equality. He introduced the bill but was assassinated before he was able to see it passed, so this groundbreaking legislation was enacted during the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson. It was first written expressly to protect the rights of African American men but was later revised to include several other minority groups.

Employee Rights Under Title VII

Businesses in the United States with 15 or more employees are subject to the terms of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which has undergone several amendments since its initial introduction. This law safeguards American workers from most forms of discrimination.

More specifically, employers may not subject an employee to adverse treatment based on their racenational origin, religion, sex, age, or disability. Discrimination is prohibited in the following aspects of employment:

  • Job advertisements
  • Recruitment
  • Interviews
  • Hiring
  • Job assignments
  • Promotions
  • Salary and benefits
  • Discipline and discharge

Employers are also discouraged from posting job advertisements that exclude certain sectors of society. For example, an ad seeking recent college graduates could be deemed exclusionary of applicants over 40. Additionally, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prevents business owners from basing their hiring decisions on stereotypes.

Investigations Concerning Title VII Violations

In order to sue an employer for a Civil Rights Act violation, you may need to first file a claim with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC). Initiating such a claim could result in an investigation into a company’s discriminatory practices, after which the EEOC may issue a Notice of Right to Sue to a potential claimant. An individual has 90 days thereafter to file a lawsuit if they wish to do so.

However, those seeking to pursue a claim for age discrimination still need to file with the EEOC, but they do not have to wait for a Notice of Right to Sue to commence their legal proceedings. Claimants may file an age discrimination lawsuit 60 days after bringing the charge to the EEOC. However, these claims must be filed within 90 days of the EEOC’s completed investigation.

Speak with an Attorney About Protections Guaranteed by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

If you are facing adverse treatment at work, you might have grounds for a claim based on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. American employers should be aware of relevant regulations and obligations, and those that do not adhere to them could be held liable under this law. Schedule a consultation with a seasoned attorney or use our no-cost online review tool to get started on your case.

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