Protecting Workers From Wrongful Employment Practices

MARYLAND Federal Employee Retaliation Lawyer

Maryland Federal Employee Retaliation Lawyer

Employees who report illegal conduct in the workplace—including those employed by the federal government—are protected by various regulations that prohibit unwarranted retaliation from superiors. If you observed or experienced discrimination, fraud, or other wrongdoing at your federal government job and are concerned about retaliation for voicing your concerns, you could benefit from the help of a Maryland federal employee retaliation lawyer.

The accomplished federal employment attorneys at the Spiggle Law Firm have significant experience representing federal employees in a broad range of cases before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Merit System Protection Board (MSPB), and others. This background could be essential when it comes to advising and advocating for you in cases involving illegal retaliation.

What is a Federal Employee Retaliation Case?

As many people understand, there are numerous laws in place that prohibit discrimination, harassment, unfair pay, unsafe working conditions, fraud, and other wrongful practices in the workplace. In most cases, these same laws make it illegal to retaliate against employees who blow the whistle on problems that they observed on the job.

Numerous laws prohibit both discrimination and retaliation against federal employees who participate in enforcement actions or who oppose unlawful practices. These include:

  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Rehabilitation Act
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act
  • Civil Service Reform Act
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

Opposing unlawful practices may entail filing an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) charge, complaining about unfair pay, raising concerns about fraudulent billing, and other good-faith efforts to address issues observed in the workplace.

Anti-retaliation laws also cover individuals who do not actively complain and are called as witnesses or to otherwise participate in enforcement actions. If you fall within any of these categories, talking to a federal employee retaliation lawyer in Maryland from the Spiggle Law Firm may be a wise move.

Proving a Retaliation Case

Generally speaking, employees who wish to establish a retaliation case must show:

  1. Protected activity, as discussed above
  2. Adverse action against them
  3. A causal connection between the first two elements

In most retaliation cases, you do not have to have suffered something as serious as termination or suspension to achieve a positive outcome. Anything that could reasonably be construed to deter someone from making a complaint could be considered unlawful retaliation.

Consequently, a less severe action such as changes in scheduling, job reassignment, or a poor performance review may support a retaliation case if it can be linked to filing an EEO complaint or other protected activities. Cases and laws differ significantly depending on the circumstances, but with the help of a Maryland federal employee retaliation attorney, you could make informed decisions about actions to take when facing this kind of scenario.

Getting Help from a Maryland Federal Employee Retaliation Attorney

If you have concerns about retaliation for legally protected conduct in a federal workplace, you should consider seeking legal help as soon as possible. Time limits apply to any legal action, and a knowledgeable attorney from the Spiggle Law Firm could help make sure you understand your rights and comply with important deadlines and legal procedures.

Federal government employees are subject to laws and procedures that differ from the private sector in many situations, so federal employees concerned about retaliation or discrimination on the job should seek legal counsel from someone who understands the demands of government employee cases. To learn more about getting help with your legal concerns, contact a Maryland federal employee retaliation lawyer from our team today, or click here for a no-cost online case review.

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