
Three Ways to Protect Yourself If Chronic Sleep Deprivation Is Affecting Your Job

Are you chronically sleep deprived because of a new baby, stress, or other medical condition? Is it hurting you at work? Performance problems at work could result in your termination unless you take action. Read on to learn about what you can do. What Is Sleep Deprivation? Sleep disorders and chronic sleep deprivation—the phenomenon of […]

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Employers’ Social Media Use Policies and Their Enforcement May Violate Federal Law

Bad news travels fast, especially on social media. Posts can easily and quickly spread across the globe and be seen by millions of people. This is one reason why employers seek to control what employees write publicly about their businesses on the Internet. There are legal limits on what employers can try to suppress, but

Employers’ Social Media Use Policies and Their Enforcement May Violate Federal Law Read More »

Anonymous Complaints

Here’s one more thing to think about. In the real world, many companies don’t like employees who complain of illegal activity. Yes, your company may have a nice glossy website encouraging employees to report known wrongdoing. Maybe your company means it. Maybe it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, it means that, as soon as you report something, the clock is

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What Is My Case Worth?

To many, it is distasteful to take what happened and reduce it to a dollar figure. How can you put a price on your dignity or reputation? You can’t. But money is the primary yardstick courts use to evaluation a violation of employment (and other) laws. They almost never force your employer to admit wrongdoing.

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Are You a Whiner?

I ran across a post on “You’re the Boss”, the New York Times blog on small business issues, titled “How Do You Handle Employee Litigation?” The article reports on a small business owner who had settled several employee lawsuits (not sure what’s going on there!), but decided once to push a case to trial. When he did, not

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