The Huffington Post: Washington Is Leading The Way On Paid Family Leave

December 9, 2016

The Washington, D.C., City Council just voted on a paid leave bill that would be one of the most generous in the nation. Thanks to the city’s demographics and its unique position as the nation’s capital, this vote could be a major turning point for the country. Called the Universal Paid Leave Act, the bill would allow full-time and part-time D.C. employees to take up to eight weeks of paid leave at 90 percent of their salary in order to take care of a new child and up to eight weeks to care for an ailing parent or grandparent. The key word here is paid. Under the District’s current law, people who work for businesses with 20 or more employees can take up to 16 weeks off. But, like the federal Family Medical Leave Act, the law does not require employers to pay their workers for the time off.

Click here to read the full piece by Tom Spiggle of the Spiggle Law Firm.


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