Tom Spiggle Joins Georgetown Panel to Discuss Impact of the Law on Gig Economy

Tom Spiggle joins Georgetown Law discussion

January 25, 2017


Tom Spiggle joined a panel of speakers today at Georgetown Law as part of the “The Changing Nature of Low-Wage Work: How Automation & the Gig Economy Impact the Future of Work” event discussing the impact of employment law rights in the gig economy.

Spiggle joined an impressive lineup of speakers including Christine Owens, executive director of the National Employment Project and Rajesh Nayak, Director of Research, National Employment Law Center who spoke about the impact of the gig economy, automation and low wage work.

The event was held from 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. with an opening address by Wendi Lazar, Partner, Outten & Golden LLP and closing remarks by Peter Edelman, Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Law and Public Policy, Georgetown University Law Center, which was then followed by a reception.

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