Super Parent Nomination

Congratulations to Gina Argotti who has been selected as the 2018 Spiggle Law Firm Super Parent! Gina was nominated by her friend Rosa Briceno. Gina uses her social media skills to lead a group of Latina mother volunteers at her kids elementary school while also working extremely hard on the homefront as a parent of three children.

Gina truly exemplifies the phrase that being a parent is a full-time job, and yet like most households with children these days she needed to have a traditional job as well. Parents like Gina have a great deal of responsibilities to balance, so here at The Spiggle Law Firm we wanted to reward a parent who took those challenges head-on and excel both at home and work.

As a mother who goes above and beyond what is required for each task she completes at home and at work it’s easy to see why she was nominated for this award. We couldn’t be happier to treat her to something all parents relish, which is some time for peace, quiet, and relaxation. As the 2018 Spiggle Law Firm Super Parent Gina has won a gift card worth $250 to Aura Day Spa for a day of well-deserved pampering and relaxation!

Congratulations again, Gina, you deserve it! And thanks to everyone who submitted a nomination, we saw just how many outstanding parents there are in our community.


Super Parent Nomination Form

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