Huffington Post: I Used to Be a Federal Prosecutor. Now, I’m Helping Immigrants at the Airport

February 3, 2017

For the past week, many lawyers, including myself, organized by groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and International Refugee Assistance Project, descended in significant numbers to airports like Washington Dulles International and John F. Kennedy International to help those detained pursuant to Trump’s un-American immigration ban. A friend at Dulles last weekend posted a clip of protestors chanting “Thank you lawyers!” The Atlantic, and other outlets, posted stories like “An Army of Attorneys Descends on Dulles: They fought to gain access to travelers being detained, as hundreds of protesters cheered each new arrival.” A friend started a Twitter hashtag #helpthelawyers as a resource for those wishing to support volunteer lawyers who were donating their time at airports around the country.

Click here to read the full story by Tom Spiggle.


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