Can I Sue My Employer for Unpaid Wages in Virginia?

When your employer disregards your knowledge and work by failing to pay you what you deserve, they disrespect your qualifications and act unlawfully. Both state and federal laws protect employees from unfair treatment and wage issues, allowing you to sue your employee for their negligence. 

Employers may claim they “keep forgetting” or will “pay you later.” However, you deserve to receive payment for the work you do, and our team at The Spiggle Law Firm will do everything in our power to help you obtain justice. Speak with our team to receive a free case review today.

What Should I Do If My Employer Is Not Paying Me For the Hours I Worked?

If you believe you are not receiving the proper compensation for the hours you worked, you will first want to calculate the amount you should receive and verify whether that corresponds with the amount your company is paying you. Within this process, you will need to verify the following are correct:

  • Your work hours
  • Any credited overtime
  • The agreed and promised pay rate
  • Any legitimate deductions

Once you identify any issues and confront your employer, if they continue to disregard the problem and fail to provide you with the proper compensation, contact a lawyer immediately and submit a complaint to the United States Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division

You will also want to make copies of any communication about the improper payments and documents showcasing the issues and provide that information to your lawyer.

Does My Situation Qualify As a Wage & Hour Violation?

Unfortunately, many people in Virginia and throughout the United States suffer from wage and hour violations but endure the mistreatment because they are unaware of their legal options and rights. Federal and state laws protect workers from payment issues and provide a number of examples to help employees understand their rights. Consider the following examples of wage and hour violations:

  • Not paying an employee their earned tips
  • Not paying an employee the legal minimum wage
  • Forcing an employee to perform work “off the clock”
  • Not paying an employee overtime pay
  • Not giving an employee their final paycheck after leaving the job
  • Not paying an employee job-related travel time
  • Not paying an employee accrued vacation time
  • Not paying an employee the commissions and bonuses they earned

If your situation falls under any of the above or you are unsure whether your situation qualifies as a wage violation, speak with a team member at The Spiggle Law Firm. Our firm provides knowledgeable and experienced legal counsel to those suffering from employment issues in Virginia. We offer a “Same Page Guarantee,” meaning our team evaluates and investigates your case to ensure we fully understand you and your case’s needs, options, and circumstances.

Find a Knowledgeable Virginia Unpaid Wages Lawyer Today

The work we provide our organizations is not simply labor. Many jobs require extensive schooling, training, and experience to complete designated tasks. When your employer disregards your qualifications and disrespects your time, The Spiggle Law Firm will stand by your side and hold them accountable for their unlawful and inappropriate behavior. 

Our team has recovered millions of dollars in compensation for our clients and understands what it takes to build a solid unpaid wage claim. With years of experience and a team of devoted attorneys, you will have the legal representation and support you deserve. You don’t have to face these issues alone. Speak with one of our team members today by calling (202) 449-8527 or filling out our contact form.

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